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Contribution to ‘Sanskrit’, People’s Linguistic Survey of India
Dr. Shakuntala Gawde has contributed to the book Sanskrit, People’s Linguistic Survey of India, volume 36 edited by Ganesh N. Devy and Avadhesh K. Singh. She has authored four articles namely ‘Sanskrit: A brief overview’, ‘Origin of the Sanskrit Language’, ‘Sanskrit teaching Institutions in India’ and ‘Sanskrit Teaching Institutions outside India’. These articles are published […]
Article on ‘Śiva’ authored by Dr. Shakuntala Gawde published in the encyclopedia of Hinduism and Tribal Religions published by Springer. This encyclopedia is edited by Pankaj Jain, Rita Sherma, Madhu Khanna. This encyclopedia is live in the sense that it can be edited anytime by the author but all previous editions are available to reader. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-024-1036-5_268-1 Cite this entry […]
Gokarṇamāhātmya- A study into Narratives With Special Reference to Gokarṇa Purāṇa
(paper published by Indic Today) Gokarṇa is situated in Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka. Gokarṇa is considered as Dakṣīṇa Kāśī or even superior to Kāśī. Gokarṇa Mahabaleśvara i.e. Lord Śiva is the main deity of this sacred tīrtha. There is a geographical peculiarity in forming the name Gokarṇa of this place. Gaṅgāvalī and Aghanāśinī are two […]
सर्प-देवता : जागतिक रुढी आणि परंपरा
सर्प अथवा नाग ही देवता म्हणून संपूर्ण भारतात त्याचे महत्त्व आहे. साधारणपणे सौम्य व उग्र असे देवतांचे स्वरूप दिसते. दैवतशास्त्रीय तत्त्वानुसार उग्र देवतेच्या कोपापासून स्वत:चे रक्षण करण्यासाठी म्हणून देवतांचे पूजन केले जाते. हाच भाव नागपूजनामागेदेखील असावा. क्लेशकारक व कल्याणकारक अशा दोन्ही छटा नाग/सर्पपूजनामागे असल्याचे दिसते समाजशास्त्रीय दृष्टीकोनातून विचार करता असे दिसून येते की नाग म्हणजे […]
Lunch box- from the perspective of Dhvani theory
Anandavardhana (9th century CE) propounded Dhvani theory in his treatise Dhvanyaloka. Word Dhvani is derived from the root dhvan means to suggest. Definition of dhvani is given as the suggested sense which gives pleasure (रमणीयव्यङ्ग्यार्थ:।). He explicitly condemns the poetry which is based on explicit sense. Figures or Rasa can be present in the poetry […]
Recent Work
Drumavicitrikaranam -Plant Biotechnology in Ancient India
The Book Drumavicitrikaranam Plant Biotechnology in Ancient India is born out of the Curiosity to understand the extent of knowledge which ancient Indians has about the plant systems. The objective is to bring to the fore the traditionl Indian Knowledge that has been buried under the sands of time blown by the onslaught of foreign […]
Chhayanirjharini is a noteworthy anthology that complies literary works translated inro Sanskrit from various languages such as English, Marathi, Gujarati and more. The anthology showcases a diverse range of poetic forms including metrical, lyrical and free hand styles offering readers a rich array of expresions. In addition to poetry, the inclusion of ptose sections featuring […]
Myths of Creation
The Book contains the vedic Accounts and takes into consideration the Upanishads, Epic and Puranas, Jain- Buddhist narratives. It throws light light on Egyptian, Middles-eastern, Chinese-Japanese,Nordic accounts of Creation. The reader will get an overview of creation accounts with their commonalities and differences in a theotrical framework. Book got released in the hands of Prof. […]