
महाराष्ट्र राज्य विश्वकोश निर्मिती मंडळांतर्गत जागतिक धर्म आणि तत्त्वज्ञान  (भारतीयेतर) या ज्ञानमंडळाची स्थापना २०१५ साली करण्यात आली. जगभरातील प्राचीन निसर्गपूजक धर्म, ख्रिस्ती धर्म, इस्लाम धर्म, बौध्द धर्म, शिंतो धर्म, ज्यु धर्म, पारसी धर्म, पाश्चात्त्य तत्त्वज्ञान वगैरेंचा समावेश या ज्ञानमंडळात आहे.याधर्मांचा उगम व विकास, दैवतशास्त्र, पुराकथा, रूढी, परंपरा, समजुती, कर्मकाण्डात्मक विधि-निषेध, उत्सव, प्रार्थना / स्तुती / मंत्र, […]

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Kalanuranjani was founded with an initiative of students of Department of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai. Dr. Shakuntala Gawde conducted three sessions under the banner ‘Film and Philosophy’. Matrix, Inception and Unbreakable were shown to the students for the sake of explaining philosophy through films. Matrix was explained through Kevaladvaita perspective. Concepts like Maya, Adhyasa, Brahman, […]

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Visit to Sri Lanka

Dr. Shakuntala Gawde was invited by Kelaniya University, Sri Lanka as a Visiting Fellow. She participated as a key note speaker in second International Conference on Sanskrit Studies 2017. She was a panelist in a panel discussion on the topic ‘life after death’ organized as a part of ICSS 2017. She conducted lectures and workshops […]

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