Lecture on Ramayana Traditions

Dr. Shakuntala Gawde delivered a lecture in 32nd Jnanayajna organized by K. J. Somaiya College. She took overview of Sanskrit Ramayanas- Adhyatma Ramayana, Adbhuta Ramayana, Ananda Ramayana and Bhushundi Ramayana. She highlighted the significance of regional Ramayanas like Eknathi Ramayana and Girdhar Ramayana. She explored Ramayanas of South East Asia with special reference to Ramayana […]

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Article on ‘Śiva’ authored by Dr. Shakuntala Gawde published in the encyclopedia of Hinduism and Tribal Religions published by Springer. This encyclopedia is edited by Pankaj Jain, Rita Sherma, Madhu Khanna. This encyclopedia is live in the sense that it can be edited anytime by the author but all previous editions are available to reader. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-024-1036-5_268-1 Cite this entry […]

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Kevaladvaita Vedanta

Kevaladvaita Vedanta was propounded by Adi Shankaracharya who considered the sole reality of Brahman. He wrote commentary on Prasthanatrayi i.e. Brahmasutras, Upanishads and Bhagavadgita from the perspective of absolute monism. He propagated the philosophy of Nirguna Brahman i.e. Brahman without any form, qualities and names. This video explains the fundamentals of Absolute monism. This video […]

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Publication in Springer

Dr. Shakuntala Gawde’s five articles are published in Springer’s ‘Encyclopedia of Hinduism and Tribal Religions’ which is edited by Pankaj Jain, Rita Sharma and Madhu Khanna. 1.Vaikuṇṭha. In: Jain P., Sherma R., Khanna M. (eds) Hinduism and Tribal Religions. Encyclopedia of Indian Religions. Springer, Dordrecht, 2020 (download) 2. Daśanāmī Order.  In: Jain P., Sherma R., Khanna […]

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सर्प-देवता : जागतिक रुढी आणि परंपरा

सर्प अथवा नाग ही देवता म्हणून संपूर्ण भारतात त्याचे महत्त्व आहे. साधारणपणे सौम्य व उग्र असे देवतांचे स्वरूप दिसते. दैवतशास्त्रीय तत्त्वानुसार उग्र देवतेच्या कोपापासून स्वत:चे रक्षण करण्यासाठी म्हणून देवतांचे पूजन केले जाते. हाच भाव नागपूजनामागेदेखील असावा. क्लेशकारक व कल्याणकारक अशा दोन्ही छटा नाग/सर्पपूजनामागे असल्याचे दिसते समाजशास्त्रीय दृष्टीकोनातून विचार करता असे दिसून येते की नाग म्हणजे […]

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Talk in Sanskrit Sammelanam

Dr. Shakuntala Gawde talked on ‘Contribution of women in Sanskrit Literature’ in Gehe Gehe Sanskrit Sammelanam’ organized by Shri Datta Padmanabha Peetham, Tapobhumi, Kundai, Goa on 14th March 2019. Dr. Shakuntala Gawde took an overview of Women’s contribution from Vedic times to Modern Sanskrit Literature. She also emphasized the need of women’s participation in propagation […]

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Presentation in the International Conference on Philosophy of Arts and Aesthetics

Dr. Shakuntala Gawde was invited as a resource person for “Prof. Ookerjee Memorial International Conference on Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics” on Wednesday 6th March, 2019  organized by Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai. She presented on ‘Alaukikatva of Rasa with special reference to Abhianvagupta’. Rasa is fundamental theory in Indian Aesthetics which was propounded […]

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