Dr. Shakuntala Gawde engaged lecture on Puranic Mythology- Exploring New Dimensions in Yuvaspanda– an initiative by Public Relations Cell, Kavikulaguru Kalidasa Sanskrit University, Nagpur on 26th February, 2022. Explaining definitions, classifications, and features of Puran, Dr. Gawde said that the main source of Puranas is the maukhik tradition. Supernatural elements, divine beings, and miracles are the characteristics of Puranas. She referred to the Features of Narrative Literature explicated by Ayappa Panikar and framework of Mythology given by Dr. Sadashiv Dange and theories of western scholars. Quoting them, Dr. Gawde added there are many approaches to study Puranas like a philosophical, sociological, etymological, psychological, toolbox, etc. Quoting the example of the Putana episode in Krishna Charitra, Dr. Gawde said that we get this story in various Puranas like Vishnu, Bhagwat, Brahmavaivarta, but it is researchers’ responsibility rather researcher’s duty to find out the various interpretations of the story and its forms in multiple texts. Studying multiple texts of one particular episode and finding out its various interpretations in various aspects is a very hectic & complex task for a researcher. Puranic studies can be worked out through culture, geography. Environmental, iconographical aspects. Still, there are many opportunities and pathways awaiting for serious researchers like comparative mythology, finding vernacular adaptions, study through critical, cultural, interdisciplinary aspects, content writing for media, creative writing is some of them. Dr. Gawde congratulated the organizer for organizing the lecture on a very important topic which is bound to be studied.
Link of the lecture